Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to get Ripped Off in style in Patpong

Based on a true story :)

Most A Go-Go bars located along the two streets of Patpong are free to get in as long as you order a drink, which costs around 120 baht… but be aware that there are tricky places that will cost you a lot more without actually delivering anything better – and they may even be worse. How to recognize the trick:

   1. Someone will approach you with a nice list of fun entertaining features such as a 'ping pong show' and other well-known activities with ‘colourful’ names. So far, nothing really unusual.
   2. He will say "It's free to see for five minutes"…  which means it won't be free after the five minutes are up  and as the guy seems trustworthy and speaks really fast, you somehow forget this fact.
   3. The place not even be on Patpong itself but if it is upstairs and the bar has no sign and no name,  get ready to be ripped off (nicely but effectively).
   4. Once you are in, the show will have only one act and you will be asked for a tip. Basically you will have to tip for each ‘trick’ performed. And believe me, these girls have mastered the art of making you feel really cheap if you don't tip them.
   5. The girls will ask you for a lady drink, whether she sits next to you or even stands across the room… each drink costs at least 200 baht.
   6. You will not see the bill until the last minute. In most normal A Go-Go Bars or beer bars, your bill is placed in a small box in front of you, which allows you to check the damage as you drink and let you decide if you want to offer another round or not. Usually a drink is around 100 to 120 baht. In the dodgy ones the bill never comes until the last moment
   7. If you ask a girl how much her drink will cost you, she only knows once answer: 'same as yours', so naturally you think 100 to 120 baht… wrong, it's 200 to 300 baht.
   8. When the bill comes, it’ll be about 1,000 baht and don't even waste your time arguing; you won't win… just pay up and smile, realizing you’ve got a nice story to tell your friends – just like I’m telling you now!

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